
Game Help

Cromimi is a game where ferrets, mice and hamsters live a wonderful adventure. Take good care of them and they will give you their affection in return.

» Playing Cromimi
» Gold Mimis (GM)
» Power Mimis (PoM)
» Popularity (POPs)
» My Cromimi's Stats
» Health and Morale
» My Cage
» Food and Water
» Accessories
» Categories in the Store
» Challenges
» Sickness
» Levels
» The Federation
» The Ranking
» The Elections
» The Nursery
» Sponsoring
» The Cromimi Team
» In case of a problem...

Playing Cromimi

Take care of a Cromimi (ferret, hamster, mouse) in a virtual world. Train it, entertain it, dress it, challenge other players' Cromimis and take care of it...

Complete the different objectives to move through the game. Experience a unique adventure with your Cromimi!
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Gold Mimis (GM)

Gold Mimis (GM) is the game's monetary unit. You earn some everyday.

The more you advance in the game, the more GM you earn. The more GM you have, the more accessories or clothes you can buy for your Cromimi .

Challenges and some mini-games give you Gold Mimis, as well.
If you want to advance faster in the game, you can also purchase Gold Mimis at the Bank.
Attention! If you are under 18, ask your parents for permission before using the bank!
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Power Mimis (PoM)

Power Mimis, (PoM), represent your breeder experience level. The more PoM you have, the better a breeder you are!

You gain PoM by petting, training and feeding your Cromimi, bottle feeding your Crobabies, advancing to new levels, playing certain games, manually cleaning the cage, reading books, sending a Cromimi to a carreer or Cromimiland, challenging other Cromimis or listening to Dr Ham's advice...
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Popularity (POPs)

Popularity (POPs), measures your reputation in Cromimi City.

You gain POPs when your Cromimis wins challenges and when you advance to new levels.
You can also gain popularity when your Cromimi if you win the game elections (most beautiful cages and most beautiful Cromimis) or when you move up in the rankings.
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My Cromimi's Stats

Each Cromimi has its own characteristics that you will need to know:

» Morale: indicates your Cromimi's psychological condition. If it's low, your Cromimi will become sad and its health will decline.
» Health: indicates your Cromimi's physical condition. A poor health will make it more prone to illness and weaker during challenges and training. Make sure to always place enough food and water in the cage.

The performace of your Cromimi will bring a positive influence all through the game. So, don't neglect it.
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Health and Morale

It's important that your Cromimi's morale is always high and that it remains in good health, otherwise, everything will go wrong: the risk of illness increases, its relationships with other Cromimis in the cage will not be as strong and your Cromimi will be sad. Plus, the Federation may take your Cromimi away from you.

To increase your morale and health, take good care of your Cromimi and its cage, offer them treats, entertain them, pet them, play with them...

The health and morale of your Cromimi are fragile and can rapidly decline if you don't take care of them.
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My Cage

This is where your Cromimi lives. It should always be as lovely and as clean as possible.

Your cage should always be kept clean so your little Cromimi doesn't hurt its paws. You can clean your cage manually (free) or automatically (for a fee).

By decorating your cage, your Cromimi's morale will increase (and probably its health, too). You can find everything you'll need in the Store.

You can also name your cage by clicking the cage's name tab on the cage page.
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Food and Water

These are two vital functions for your Cromimi, so, don't neglect them!

Your Cromimi is very sensitive, so don't forget to put food and water in its cage so it remains in good health and happy.
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Items are in the "accessories" aisle of the Store. These are all the elements, large or small, that you can place in a cage to entertain your Cromimi (wheel, ladder...), house it (small house, shelter...) or offer it some comfort.

As you advance through the objectives, new accessories will become available.
So, check the Store regularly to discover what could make your Cromimi happy!
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Categories in the Store

Here, you can find everything you need for your Cromimi. Seven aisles are available:

» Food: a large choice of fruits, vegetables, cereals, herbs and so much more to stimulate your Cromimi's taste buds.

» Cage: everything you need to decorate your Cromimi's cage (tray, cage bars, drinking and bedding).

» Accessoiries: all the items you can give to your Cromimi. All the new items appear first so you don't miss a thing!

» Pharmacie: all the medicines for any type of illness are available here. You will know how to heal your Cromimi after a visit to the vet.

» Books: you will find everything you need to know about your Cromimi in these lovely illustrated books. There are currently 2 books: "Birth" and "Reproduction". Consult them to learn lots of things and earn PoM (first reading)!

» Cromimis: adopt new Cromimis to keep each other company.

» Clothing : this is where you will find clothes to dress your Cromimi and make it even cuter. You can even find “Costume Packs” to dress your Cromimi in one click!

As you advance through the game, new objects and Cromimis will become available.
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Challenges are used to compete against other Cromimis, validate objectives and also gain Power Mimis, POPs and Gold Mimis, if you make a bet. To start challenges, select a Cromimi in your cage and click "Challenge" to go to the Challenges Park. Here, you can meet Cromimis who are close to your level and online.

During a Challenge, several criteria are taken into account for the 2 Cromimis:

» their health
» their morale
» their performance
» A random element of the game

When other breeders want to challenge one of your Cromimis without a bet, the challenge is automatically accepted. You can choose whether to accept or refuse a challenge with a bet. Careful, a challenge cannot be cancelled!

If you don't want to receive challenge requests from a breeder, go to your inbox and place them on your Blacklist (they will be blocked from sending you challenges and private messages).

To see how many challenges your Cromimi won, look at their Profile Card!
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Your Cromimi is quite fragile and can fall ill at any moment! If they do, you will receive a private message, and you will have to go visit with Dr. Ham, the vet.

You can then go to purchase the necessary medicines at the Store and use them to heal your Cromimi.
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Live a unique adventure with your Cromimi thanks to the game's levels. You will learn the basics of education with the tutorial, to then be able to advance through the many levels of the game.

Every level you pass gives you Power Mimis (PoM) and popularity(POPs) in Cromimi City.
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The Federation

The Cromimi Federation is a virtual association that keeps an eye on your Cromimi to know if you take good care of it. To help you, the Federation gives you Gold Mimis everyday. The further you advance in the gamei, the more generous the Federation will be.

Careful, if you don't take care of your Cromimi and it is in danger, the Cromimi Federation will come and take it away. You will have to pay Gold Mimis to get it back. If the Federation takes your Cromimi definitively, you will not be able to get it back.
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The Ranking

There are three independent rankings in Cromimi. They are updated everyday at 5 AM and 3 PM.

Breeder Ranking compares your capacity to raise, take care of and educate your Cromimis. This is where your Power Mimis come into play, then your popularity if two breeders have the same amount of Power Mimis.

If you want to check your evolution in a ranking, you will see a little green arrow pointing up if your rank has increased or a little red arrow pointing down if your rank has decreased. If your rank has not changed, then you will see this symbol =.

There's only one way to increase your rank: gain Power Mimis!

Cromimi Ranking indicates your Cromimi's rank compared to the other Cromimis. The only thing that matters in this ranking is your Cromimi's performance. If two Cromimis have the same level of performance, it's your Cromimi's health and morale that will determine its exact rank.

Friend Ranking allows you to see which of your friends (in your contact list) are the best!
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The Elections

Voting for a cage enables you to elect every week the most appreciated cages by the players of Cromimi.
To vote, go to the card of the breeders, or the parade of cages.

1. Parade of Cages: The cages are chosen randomly among the players online. The list is regenerated every X minutes. The cages pass in the parade anonymously. Thursday at midnight, the podium with the 3 most beautiful cages is shown and the winners are rewarded.

Cage Trophies: 1 per cage maximum. A cage can only be elected once.

2. Parade of Cromimis: The Cromimis are chosen randomly among the players online. The list is regenerated every X minutes. The Cromimis pass in the parade anonymously. Thursday at midnight, the podium with the 3 most beautiful Cromimis are shown and the winners are rewarded.

Cromimi Trophies: 1 per Cromimi maximum. A Crpmimi can only be elected once.

The votes are reset every Friday after the announcement of the winners of the week.

INFO: It is strictly forbidden to ask for votes, through Private message, in the forum or in signatures/user images.
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The Nursery

If you can't take care of your Cromimi, you can send them to the nursery, which allows you to pause your game.
To do this, click the "Nursery" tab (top right of the screen).

When your Cromimis are at the nursery, your Cromimi doesn't evolve, can't participate in challenges or train, all of its actions are stopped.

When you come back, log in like you usually do, then click the button to take back your Cromimis and find your game exactly how you left it.

Careful! It is forbidden to lend and/or leave your account to someone else. If you do and a problem occurs, we won't be able to help you with your account!

As stated in the game rules, you should never give out your log in information or lend your account!
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You can invite your friends to join you as soon as you're registered. To do this, you've got two possibilities:

» In your message box, you can send an invitation to all your Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc. contacts. They will receive a mail from you sent by the game, to be able to register and create their own account.
» You can also send an invitation to all your friends who don't use Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc. They will receive an email from you and will be able to create their own account and become a Cromimi player.

Important! To be validated, a "sponsoree" must meet these requirements:
» "Sponsorees" cannot register with the same ip/connection as their sponsor
» "Sponsorees" must use a personal ip/connection (public places like libraries, schools/colleges, cybercafes or wifi connection can't be used to confirm a sponsoring)
» Do not create false sponsor, they will be cancelled (multiple accounts are forbidden on Cromimi), your account might be deleted or you might receive a permanant ban.
» Confirm your email address once the registration is done
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The Cromimi Team

The administrators are the creators of the game and the ones who make it evolve.
There are also moderators who help the breeders of Cromimi on the forum and through private message when needed. Breeders should turn to the moderators if they need help. If they can't find an answer, they will ask the administrators for help.

The moderators take care of the forum (delete or move topics etc), help with bans (in case of bad behavior or non-respect of the rules), keep players informed about the game.

To find out who the moderators are just go to the forum!

Under each section of the forum, there is a list of the moderators and administrators who are in charge of the forum. The moderation team is composed of adult volunteers who are all over 18.
Do not ask to become a moderator. The administrators choose the moderators depending on their need to supervise the game and according to precise criteria.

An important note: Like in any online game, malicious people may pretend to be members of the game team, so please, never give any information about your account or yourself to anyone!
The administrators or moderators will not ask players for information about their account, unless it is to check that the player who is asking for information is the owner of the account!
In case of a problem, use the mailbox to report the issue, quickly contact a moderator or use the "contact" link at the bottom of the page to let the people in charge of the game know about it.
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In case of a problem...

If you encounter a problem on the site (problem with the bank, with your account ,etc...), post a message on the forum, in the Assistance section, to explain your problem.

A team member will reply as soon as possible.

Please, do not contact the support team more than once for the same problem Do not contact the support without a reason or you will be punished!
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